
Summer Series Clinics

Summer Series Clinics

You know if you are struggling with your horse I can help. I have spent a lifetime learning, researching and trying different methods so I believe I can save you some time and money going down wrong paths. In this series of 3 clinics I would like help you build a solid foundation. A horse…

The Reward for Consistency

I had a lot of reactions to my before and after photos of Avondale Lindt (Choccie). Some with almost an air of disbelief and it really got me thinking about why I did get such an amazing result in such a short period of time. I think there were many factors involved, he was at…

In Hand/ Straightness training

In Hand/ Straightness training

  In Hand/ Straightness training Before I started on the journey of doing In Hand work with my horses I thought I was doing ok, you can see with the photo on the left below, Choccie(Avondale Lindt) was competing medium level. There is lots to like about the photo, he is active from behind, coming…